I remember my favorite movie when I was growing up was The Little Mermaid. I watched it over and over until I had it memorized. Even though I haven’t watched it since childhood, I can still recite the first scene by heart.
“A strong fine wind and a following sea, King Triton must be in a friendly type mood”
“King Tritan?”
“Why ruler of the merpeople lad. Thought every good sailor knew about him …"
Can you believe it's been 20 years since the Little Mermaid came out!? A lot about children's movies has changed in that time. The characters no longer break out into song like they did back in the day (i.e.: a whole new world… don’t you dare close your eyes… a dazzling place I never knew) . Also almost all animated films are computer generated now, and more and more or even 3-D although I think the 3-D part is just a fad. One thing that doesn’t change though is the child’s desire to watch these movies OVER and OVER. This means that I have been watching them over and over. So if you don’t mind humoring me for a bit, this week I am going to share my take on some of the children’s movies new and old that have become a part of my daily routine yet again.