Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Starbuck's Baby

I know I may have talked about Starbuck's a time, or two, or three, or whatever , but I am not a total addict. Yeah, we have kind of developed a relationship with our local baristas and we did give them a christmas card which they hung on their community board, but that is normal right? Also, Z has one of those talking toy parrots and we trained it so that when you say "we're going to Starbuck's" he says "get me a latte".

The whole point of this story is that Z started saying Starbuck's. It isn't one of those words that I ever tried to get him to say, but when I first heard him say "Sta-bucks" I muttered "oh boy" under my breath because I was thinking great, not you too? Well, I guess he heard me because then he started saying "Sta Bucks, OH BOY, Stabucks oh boy." So, now I guess we've got a little 20 month old coffee snob on our hands. I can only blame myself.

The photo is from when he was with my family in Kentucky a couple weeks ago. I guess one of the employees gave him a Starbuck's sticker and the next day he asked to wear it again.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Oh, that's so cute! My daughter is just entering the parroting/sponge phase - it's cute, but dangerous!

Lexi said...

Oh, that is too cute! How funny :)