Thursday, July 16, 2009

Restless Night Syndrome Update

About a year ago when I first started I did a little 5 day experiment with trying to get Z to sleep in his own crib through the night and I documented it with video blog. I called it the Restless Night Syndrome. Here is one of the bloopers from that series.

That was one of the first times that blogging accountability helped me to accomplish a goal. Thanks to that experiment Z hasn't slept with us since. In fact it's getting better all the time. It started with me sleeping on the floor next to the crib until he fell asleep then I would sneak out. Now I can leave the room right after I lay him down. That being said, he will have a big boy bed soon and that opens up a whole new set of challenges that I don't even want to think about. As always advice is more than welcome if you have any tips on trassitioning from crib to toddler bed.

Here is an updated video of Z and I talking about his night time routine.

I am just blown away when I see how much he has changed in a year. Now I know that his hair is a little out of control. His father and I agreed to give him first hair cut at 2 (if it were up to J it probably wouldn't happen until kindergarden.) Anyway that means in less than 2 months the scissors come out!

1 comment:

Chuck & Chels said...

Oh my, Z is so darling!!!! I just love him!