Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gender Drama

Last week I shared the news that we are having a girl, what I didn't tell you is that it took 3 sonograms to determine that. So what do you do when you can't get answers from the professionals? You take matters into your own hands. I was so anxious to know the sex of the baby that although I told the sonographer not to give me any "guesses" I was determined to make some guesses of my own. I spread all the sonogram photos out from both pregnancies trying to compare if this baby's photos looked similar to Z's.

Then I got online and studied dozens of boy and girl sonograms. There are websites dedicated to this sort of thing, because apparently I am not the only loony obsessive pregnant woman out there. The thing that cracked me about the websites were the types of comments you would see. These are direct quotes that I came across in my research,

"I am no tech but I cannot make out a penis from that view"

"That is a great image of girl parts"

"Perhaps she thinks the penis grows out of the belly button???"

"I say girl if I see labial folds, we are looking for labia folds."

"Is the protrusion the penis and those white things below testes?"

"if u want to know the sex, ask for a toilet shot!!!"

I should be mature enough to talk about the anatomy of male and female without getting the giggles, but at some point when you find yourself looking at photos of genitalia all night long (and not in a dirty way) you just have to laugh at yourself. Anyway, I am glad the case is closed on what gender this baby is and at least this time I don't have to do any circumcision research, because believe me gender determination websites are nothing compared to the arena of the circumcision debate, and I will leave it at that!

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Ha ha! We still had super slow dial-up when I was pregnant, so I didn't have easy access the vast amount of information that you have! I remember wanting more info on the whole circumcision thing, though! I'm glad you don't have to do any more of that research this time!