Friday, May 21, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow

Some of you know that when I speak of the day after tomorrow (Sunday) I am talking about the LOST finale. It's hard to believe it's become such a phenomenon over 6 years and it's finally going to be over. I consider myself a fan. A big time fan. I've seen every episode, held Lost parties, have "John Locke's" autograph

and listen to a podcast about the show twice a week. So you can bet that I am excited that we may actually have a conclusion to the hours upon hours of mystery. The real mystery though is how I got sucked into this show in the first place. It's really not like me. I am not into Lord or the Rings, Star Wars, or anything like that. I don't ever have any good theories except that I will probably still have a million questions unanswered when this is all over. I do like Jimmy Kimmel's theory though. He said the end would be the smoke monster writing "So long suckas" in the sky and fly off. Don't get me wrong, I will still be a Lost fan no matter what and I am not shy when I tell people "I will probably be disappointed with the end... and I am REALLY looking forward to every minute of it!"


Becky said...

Oh my gosh, the Jimmy Kimmel thing is hilarious! That would be so fitting.

I too have no idea how they're going to wrap it all up in two and a half hours. I think that whatever happens, I'll be sad it's over and just want to go back and start watching the series all over. Remember the great days of season 1 and 2? Oh man!

{amy} said...

I haven't watched the show, but I may have a marathon sometime & watch it all at once. Who knows! I may find out too much about it to make it any fun later.

As for your last comment, how fun for SJ to have a girl cousin so close in age! I hope they end up being great friends! :)