Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Record Breaking

It's been 10 days since my last blog post. This is by far the longest messy mom hiatus I have ever taken and I apologize for not giving advanced notice. Last week was just REALLY busy, and this week I was having computer problems and so J has been reformatting my macbook for me. Hopefully we're all set now. Yesterday I was going to participate in Oh Amanda's top ten Tuesday by sharing 10 reasons I was too distracted to blog, but since I didn't have a computer yesterday I will share it with you now.

1. New wedding rings arrived!
2. Saw Zebras and Camels out in the country
3. Was interviewed for an article in a local magazine
4. Was escorted home in a police truck because I locked my keys in my car
5. Met my niece for the first time
6. Walked a mile and a half to a coffee shop that was no longer there
7. Had the SWAT team invade my neighborhood
8. Taught about fear at the woman's breakfast at our church
9. Had a fabulous meal "on the house" at a snazzy new restaurant
10. SJ was dedicated and I learned more than I never knew about her namesake

That's just part of the reason I was too busy to blog last week. Obviously there are more details, and I am all about details so I will elaborate later, but for now here is a snapshot of SJ and my niece. More to come!


{amy} said...

You've been quite busy! I can't wait to hear the details! The girls are just too cute! :)

Anonymous said...

i love baby tights - those chunky legs wearing bright colorful designs. only a baby could get away with that... :)