Friday, January 16, 2015

There is More Than One Way To Read a Book About Skinning a Cat

Thank God for the printed word! This world would be a very different place without it.

I am one of those old fashioned readers that loves to hold a book in my hand. I like pages. I like libraries. I enjoy taking notes in the margins and spilling coffee on the cover and having wavy pages. A stained tome with a bent up spine that smells like dust makes it all the more valuable, if you ask me.

I am also a sucker for instant gratification and multitasking which can sometimes trump my love for the nostalgic. So while I may be marching along with the librarians screaming Long live the hardback! I also may not be as committed as I sound. I'll admit it. I am a fan of digital and audio books. If I decide I want to read a book and I know I can download it and read it right now rather than order it and wait for it to arrive in the mail. Or even worse try to figure out how I can contain my children while hunting down the desired title in a presumably quiet environment, like a library or book store.

Then come the times when I am trying to engineer some sort of concoction that can hold a book in front of me while I cook, fold, or bath. I've never really been successful with any of these attempts so that is where the audio book comes in. Perfect for car rides, exercise, baths, reading in the dark, and yes cleaning.

There are just a few problems that I have with the audio book though.

1. Sometimes I don't like the voice of the narrator.
2. There are times you really want to read your book, but headphones aren't really appropriate.
3. I like to stimulate my mind when I read and I feel like audio books interrupt that benefit.

The good news is the more I have tried audio books the more I learn ways around some of these pet peeves of mine.

1. Some voices just rub me the wrong way and when you have to listen to it for let's say 12 hours, it's important. The voice should be hearing the story not the voice, but it doesn't always go this way. I am an a battle with right now over an audio book that sounds like a chipmunk is reading it. I won't go into the details, but I was told I could exchange the book. Then I was told I couldn't. Then I stewed for a few days. Then I sent out one last email and we'll see how it goes. Either way I am not going to finish the audio version. It's AWFUL. To avoid having to go through that again I think I will listen to the preview on iTunes first so I know what the narrator sounds like.

2. I posted a funny instagram about this predicament once. Because sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself.

 I have heard that there are ways that you can maneuver back and forth between audio book and digital book seamlessly with a kindle and that sounds fabulous. It's nice to know I wasn't the only one dealing with this problem and there are smart people out there inventing solutions. Now I just need a kindle!

3. It turns out when a book is being read to you, your brain processes all of it the same. There is no dumbing down with the audio route. Obviously reading is important, but from all the research I've read so is listening. There are some things that are better about actual reading, for example learning the spelling would be an obvious benefit. Then there are other things that would come from listening to a  book being read that you wouldn't get other ways. Take enunciation for example. There is more to it than that, but it encouraged me to know that I wasn't going to miss out with audio books. I still count them as books that I've read, and according to this article from Forbes and many others I read  that is totally fine.

Hopefully you've heard the phrase "There is more than one way to skin a cat" if not, than my title must seem pretty grotesque. The point is whether you choose to eat your macaroni with a fork, or spoon, or your hands it's still macaroni and the same goes for literature. There is more than one way to consume a book. I like to dabble in a variety of options depending on my need at the moment. So now I want to hear from you. How do you like to read? 90004dfa9a564dc562c95f1138954fd7caaa9d278ec5e25fcf


Anonymous said...

Good post! Usually half of the books I read in a year are audiobooks and the other half are psychical books. Every once in awhile I will read an e-book.

Anonymous said...

I drive 40 miles a day, so those audios help me keep my sanity. Do y'all have play awaits at your library?

~Karrilee~ from Abiding Love, Abounding Grace said...

I am a fairly new audio book lover myself! I love a good real book for all the reasons you mentioned... and yet - having it read to me simply means I get to 'read' more books!It's a win-win!

Zion said...

I think we are all on the same page about the audio books! More books for us!

Also, yes Debra. Well, I think. I don't know exactly what play awaits is, but we have one click audio and you can check out and download audio books with your library card and you loose access when they are due back. It's pretty cool. I was just talking to someone about that today.

Lynnae McCoy said...

I've never been one to listen to audiobooks, but recently my ladies Bible study decided to read through the Bible in 90 days.

I knew I'd need to rely some on the audio version, so I've been listening, and it really helps me to see the Word in a new light!

I think I may just be an audiobook convert!

Unknown said...

I like digital books because they don't take up any space and with moving every few years it is important, but sometimes I like to hold a book in my hand. For some reason I haven't liked audio books. Now that we have a child sometimes he watches movies on long road trips and just with the sound i can see the movie while driving, but with audio books I don't know what it is that i don't like, but I am just not a fan.
Can you figure out how to read in the shower. That is one of my only times alone and would love to be able to read, but then i might not ever get out. lol

Katie Olthoff said...

lol at your instagram.

I check out audio books all the time from the library (via the Overdrive app) and listen while I drive, fold laundry, etc. And yes, I plug my phone into an external speaker and listen while I shower.