Monday, April 13, 2015

Sleep Habits

I sleep Indian style at night, with my feet tucked behind my knees. My husband hates it.

I change positions a lot once I fall asleep so I don't stay in Indian style (or criss cross apple sauce for the younger generation) all night. I have never met anyone else that does this, but when I blogged about it several years ago I had a comment from Krista S that said 

"My husband also sleeps indian style, but he even crosses his arms too! Very annoying...after 18 years though I've gotten used to it."

Out of all the times this has come up in conversation that one comment, from someone I don't even know, is the only time I have heard that there is someone else out there with this same quirk. For my husband's sake sometimes I will compromise with what he calls "the figure 4", where the leg closest to him is straight and my other leg is still bent.

My other strange sleep habit is that I start off with socks, but then I kick them off of my feet after a few minutes. By the end of the week there is a pile of socks either collecting at the bottom of the bed or sometimes they've fallen onto the floor at the foot of the bed. This only applies in the winter. So I guess I just really like my feet to be warm.

The thing I find interesting is that I have friends that swear by keeping their feet out of the covers at night.

 Then lately I've been seeing things online that suggest it's proven to help you sleep better

So even if you've mastered your sleep position and the warmth or coolness of your feet, the atmosphere of the room is another issue you have to deal with.  

My husband likes music when he is going to sleep, but I don't. I usually turn it off once he's out. I'll get in trouble for this one, but he listened to music through the night in his college dorm room too and so did his roommate. The problem was J wanted to play Mariah Carey and his best friend liked Celine Dion.

 I tend to fall asleep the easiest when it's completely dark. I can manage okay, but when I was pregnant with Ezie and struggling with insomnia I had to wear a sleep mask. My other soothing sleep technique is just plain riding in the car. My tend to sleep well in the car too. I assumed that was normal, but I have a friend whose little ones sleep way better than mine in their own beds, but no matter how tired they are they don't sleep on car rides. 

 I know this is a completely random topic, but I find the uniqueness of individual sleep habits fascinating. 

I just have to know, how do you fall asleep at night? 


Unknown said...

I am boring, I sleep on my left side and all curled up under my blankets, and my hair has to be covering my right ear, I can not sleep if my ear is exposed. Random :)

nancy from ky said...

I use to sleep without a pillow. I'd read somewhere that it was better for you. My husband hated it. Over the years I changed. Now I"m a pillow snob. I would travel with my own pillow more if it were easier.

Unknown said...

My sleep isn't boring; neither is it regular!! I don't always fall asleep right away, or stay asleep for long. I tend to wake up MANY times during the night. I think I sleep better the last 2 - 4 hours of the morning!! And, I also wear socks to bed in the winter...but if my feet get warm, my whole body is warm and I cannot sleep; so, yes, the socks come off!

This WAS a quirky post!! But loved it...thanks for sharing your sleep habits!

Unknown said...

I used to have a harder time falling asleep, but after my deployment everything change. i had to sleep with lights on, people being noise, other random military type noises. After a week of not sleeping my body decided to just sleep through everything. lol Now I can sleep almost anywhere, but if I need to pee, I will lay awake for hours. So now I just hop out of bed if I have been awake for more than 15 min and it usually knocks me out.
I am a back sleeper and when I'm pregnant I have to sleep on my side which annoys me. :)

Tara Ulrich said...

Depends on the season of the year, if it is summer, I throw the covers down and sleep on top of my head. If its winter, I love to be snuggled up under my blankets. I like having my feet warm too. I actually go to bed with slipper socks on which I love. You should try them out if you haven't. I like no noise too.

Tara Ulrich said...
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Jennifer Pepito said...

I need my feet covered, ever since a childhood babysitter said a lion would eat them if I threw the covers off. I do love me some nice cotton sheets to cover up with though.

susanshipe said...

Pitch dark. No socks. Tank top and undies only. Sheets pulled up over my head. On my back. Arms across my chest holding my own hands.

Unknown said...

I have to have my covers all bunched up tight around my neck and shoulders even if it is smoldering hot, but I often kick my feet out. I also like to tangle up my legs with my hubby's but it bothers me if he moves and rearranges me. I have figure 4 sleeping son and it has always cracked us up that he could sleeps like that.This is a fun community building topic. I loved reading the replies!

Zion said...

Yes! This has been great reading all of the replies.
VERY INTERESTING. All of the answers are so different. I love it!

Unknown said...

What a great random topic! :) Well I sometimes start with socks but usually they are kicked off as well. I almost always have one leg/foot out of the covers at some point. I sleep with an extra quilt on my side because my husband is a cover their, and I have a pillow I hug up to and a box fan. Box fan goes everywhere with us and if we don't have enough room to travel with one it is the first thing we buy when we get into town and then we return it on our way out of town. :)

{amy} said...

I start out Indian style! But I move a lot before actually falling asleep. I used to sleep on my belly, with my arms underneath me as well. It isn't good for my neck & back (therefore my migraines), though. At some point in the night, I'll wake up and discover that I'm on my belly, so I'll roll over onto my back again. If Chris is already asleep, I sleep with earplugs so I don't hear him snoring! If I really need to sleep in on a Saturday I'll use a sleep mask. I wear socks when it's cold, and I keep my feet covered. This was a fun, random topic! :)

Marina said...

I am not really interesting.. I sleep on my right side, hugging my pillow :) It's so interesting how we all are different!

The Flynnigans said...

Very interesting, I've never heard anyone say before they sleep indian style. Hey, if it's comfy, why not??

I typically fall asleep best on my back or side spooning my husband from behind.

He likes noise in the background because he has ringing in his ears and sometimes it bothers me but I can usually fall asleep with noise. Same with light, I don't need complete and total darkness.

I'm very much like my mother, I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. lol

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

This is so interesting Natalie! Never really thought about different ways people sleep, yours I have to admit it's fascinating, as I've never known anyone to sleep this way. I sleep on my side and hug a pillow, my husband jokes and says I create a fortress for myself which is sort of true but I do it on purpose, I just find it most comfortable to be in a cocoon.