Monday, September 1, 2008


Everybody knows the younger you are the more you look forward to your birthday. At first you are counting down to the big event, you are “7 ½”, HALF WAY THERE! Once you are older, you can forget the halves, you can forget the year for that matter it becomes, you are in your “forties.” Do remember when you entered “the double digits”? Or what about 13 when you officially became a Teenager? Next is sweet 16, and then there is 18 when you become an ADULT. Woo-Hoo! Then at some point past 21 it really starts to fizzle out and the birthday becomes either something you dread or just hardly recognize at all. Well, I am past 21 by several years, but this week I am excited about birthdays all over again! Oh it’s not mine. It is my son’s. He is turning celebrating his first birthday this week!
In honor of this special event I am making this week all about birthday blogs. Check back for posts of birthday recommendations or party planning ideas. I may not be the biggest partier on the block, but I am no pooper!

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