Thursday, January 8, 2009

Look who else is preggers

Yesterday I talked about Angelina’s pregnancy with the twins. Wow, what a year of babies it has been; everyone in Hollywood is having babies out the wazoo (no pun intended). Having a big round belly is no longer anything to be bashful about. At least for pregnant women, I can’t speak for anyone else. It has become such a sensation that even the men are getting on it.

Remember the headlining story of the pregnant man? Everyone from Barbra Walter’s to Oprah and even People magazine was covering it. I'll admit that even with as much as I was repulsed by the idea I was intrigued and like most of America I wanted to know just how this was possible.

I will tell you how it was possible; the man was actually born as a WOMAN! What a rip off. Here I was thinking the Arnold schwarzenegger movie, “Junior,” had become a reality.

Turns out I got sucked into an entirely different freak show.

The media is putting forth a story focused on the obscurity of this pregnancy. This is entirely backwards when in reality it is a physically altered woman, with all the inner workings of the female anatomy. Last I heard it wasn’t breaking news for woman to be pregnant. The real story should be about this woman taking drastic measures to change her gender and become masculine, that is the thing that is bizarre to me. In the end they had the baby, and they are already expecting another. “He” wanted to be pregnant again, therefore proving that "he" can’t possible be a man.

Although it may be kind of trendy to be sporting the baby bump right now, I don’t think we have to worry about it being the latest craze among men. Trust me I’ve been pregnant, this is definitely a woman’s arena and all the men I know are fine with keeping it that way.


Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

thank you!!!! Finally I see someone pointing out that it is a WOMAN! I can't believe the coverage the media gives it like it's some kind of new thing. Hello! It's a woman. Right on sista!

Unknown said...

yeah, the media is very stupid and i feel sorry for anyone that didn't see the TRUTH in all of that... uh, it makes me want to shake them silly until they get it!