Saturday, January 31, 2009

My New Look

My hair has been the same style for quite a few years now. I began to feel like I was in a rut and wanted to try and freshen up my look. So, I did some research on the up and coming hair trends of 2009. I took lots of different things into consideration. I knew I wanted to keep it long, but I was also looking for a change. That is why I decided to get bangs. It's fun, it's different, and I don't mind being compared to actress Anne Hathaway.

In all actuality though, the bangs are just too high maintenance for me. I am a go with the flow kind of girl. I like to try and look chic and stylish every now and then, but most days I just let my hair air dry and this cut does not allow for air dry. Believe me I've tried, it HAS to be fixed. There are no other options. So there you have it, that is my new, "now you see it now you don't" modern hair do. It was worth a try.

Now then, before you think I totally abandoned the topic this week (Extreme Blog Makeover) I am going somewhere with this. I wanted to do something different with my blog. So I went for it and if you've read any of my blog posts this week you already know it has been stressful and nothing like I imagined, but it wasn't all bad. At least I faced my fears and I did learn something new about blog design. I even managed to add the About Me Page and About This Blog too. I also have a new template and new profile picture.

With that said, I've got new look all the way around. Both are kind of funky, kind of different, and very temporary. Speaking of temporary, we aren't going to live forever, so if you try something new and you don't get the outcome you expected don't beat yourself up. Take a chance, step out, and enjoy every experience, because life is just too short to be stuck in a rut.

Photos: 1. A silly pic my husband took of me this afternoon
2. Anne Hathaway from the Devil Wears Prada


Chuck & Chels said...

love the bangs, natalie!

Hannah said...

you REALLY DO look like ann h.! nice, even if you don't keep the look at least you tried something very new and you know you look really good. ;) but then i've never known you to not look super cute, so really anything you try will be a winner...

Becky said...

I love your new hair! I sometimes want to try bangs, but I am not brave. And I'm not into "fixing" my hair either. But you look cute!

And you're also brave for changing your blog around! Looks cute!