Saturday, August 30, 2008

CVS: Friday through Thursday Sales

I mentioned last week that my CVS is one of the stores testing the sales going from Friday to Thursday. I think I might actually like it. It is less stressful than having to try and hit all the stores on either Sunday or Monday, but everybody has a different routine. Any thoughts from all you CVSer’s out there?

CVS transactions #1

Gallon of Milk- on sale for 3.79
2 Boxes of Special K- buy one get one free
1 packet of Zip Fizz- 5.99

Total - $13.99
- $1 Kellogg’s coupon
- $2 CVS coupon
- $10.99 ECB’s
Total out of pocket- $00.28
ECB’s earned- $5.99 (zip fizz)

CVS Transaction #2

1 packet of BC Headache medicine on sale $1.29
4 packages of Goody’s pain reliever on sale $1.29 each
2 tubes of Bikini Zone- on sale $4.19 each
1 Covergirl lip gloss-- $5.99

Total $20.82
- $3.00 Bikini Zone Coupon
- $1.00 Cover Girl Coupon
- $2.00 CVS Coupon
- $13.99 ECB’s
Total Out of Pocket - $00.83
ECB’s earned- $16.55 (medicine, bikini zone, lip gloss)

This week I kept it really simply and it was nice. No Walgreen’s no Target or Wal Mart. Just 2 quick CVS stops and although I did not have record breaking savings nor do I have a photo of 50 products piled one on top of the other it was a very rewarding week for me. Most of the items I got will be used right away. That is why the milk in the photo is almost empty and I got it all for $1.11. It is even more exciting when you are going to buy specific items that are not on sale and you still score such a great deal! Not to mention due to all my overage items I still have $16.00 worth of ECB’s for next week.

If none of this makes sense to you be sure to check out CVS 101

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in ENnis, and am having a hard time getting used to the new schedule. I just don't like being on a different page than all the other couponers out there in blogland. --D