Friday, August 29, 2008

The Kitchen Chronicles: Before and During

Tomorrow was the big day I was going to reveal the after photos of our kitchen remodel. The whole time we have been working on this project there has always been something to keep us from completion and this week has been "something else". I feel like Extreme Makeover Home Edition or Flip This House were you are down to the wire and you have a ton of finishing touches to get done right before the big reveal. The difference is that this is real life and we don't have a crew working for us to get it all done. However, I am still going to make this happen one way or another so stay tuned because tomorrow I will be posting updated pictures! Until then here is a look back at the messy mom's kitchen transformation up to this point.

This is what it looked like the day we moved in...

Here is the breakfast nook

4 years later when we tore it all apart

They rebuilt all the walls and rewired everything

My husband did all the work with the help of friends and family

My old gas stove that you had to light by hand

I use CVS ads for more than just spotting great deals

A quick tip: After having no luck selling our old appliances in a garage sale we posted them on Craigslist, and some of them for more than what we asked for at the garage sale. They sold in no time at all for the asking price and they were each hauled off to a good home one by one. One man's trash is another man's treasure. GO Craigslist!

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