Thursday, August 21, 2008

High School: Not so bad after all

When I was younger we would drive past a high school and I would become very fearful. I dreaded the day I would have to go there, like it was some kind of penitentiary. I guess when you're small the building looks like it is the size of New York city and the teenagers seem so intimidating. With their crazy punk styles and rebellious attitudes. I knew I would never survive High School.

Eventually I became one of THEM, a teenager, and I left my beloved Atlanta to start my freshman year in the cement capital of Texas. That’s right, my new hometown’s claim to fame was cement! There was no movie theater, no mall, not even a Wal-mart or Mc Donald’s.

While I was there I went to a public school that might as well have been a private school. The dress code was so strict that tucked in shirts and belts were mandatory. So here I was in the middle of this Podunk town going to a conservative school, depressed out of my mind, and yet I was about to experience some of the greatest years of my life.

I was at a punk rock show (see I told you I was one of THEM) when everything changed for me. I ran into some girls from my theater arts class and we found that we had a lot in common. Our instant friendship turned into a group we called “the magnificent 7”. It felt like there was never a dull moment. We occupied our time with normal extra curricular activities such as; lip sticking boy’s cars, skinny-dipping, cereal parties, skipping pep rally, making ridiculous home movies, and climbing water towers.
The mag 7 is all grown up now, and you’ve got to wonder, will the next generation be as crazy and spontaneous as we were?

I can only hope so.

This is a horrible photo, but it is special because it is our freshman year in theater arts class.


Mary Lowery said...

I think I actually teared up reading this, Nato. Seriously, HS was such a blast/gift for us! Thanks for the special reminder - man, I just love you!!

Unknown said...

Oh man, the memories! Am I the only one who is reading your blog?! You have me crying after laughing and reliving the memories! Thanks Nato!

Anonymous said...

Freaking amazing. Ah, the days when George dreamed of having boobs, Nato couldn't help but blast Beastie Boys, Mary had short hair, Heather was psycho (okay, maybe that hasn't changed), Karin wasn't afraid to ask about sexual inuendos that none of us really understood, Caroline kept us all stable, and our glorious video still existed! I love you girls.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe that it has been 11 years since we started high school?!? Where does the time go? My mom gives me random updates on all you girls, and I especially love it when she sends me clippings from the Midlothian Mirror. Anyhow, sounds like everyone of you is doing well! All my best, George