Monday, March 16, 2009

Just My Luck

I recently blogged about a very unlucky week when it seemed like everything that could go wrong did. With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner I thought this would be a fitting time to turn things around and talk about some of the few times that I actually was the lucky one.

For example I won a blog contest once. It was on The Secret Life of Kat and I received a $10 itunes gift card. I was so excited! That was 6 months ago and I have only spent half of it. I guess I am incapable of squandering. Even with free gift cards I have to stretch every buck until all the elasticity is gone.

If you have read my last blog post you know that this time I am turning the tables and hosting my own give away. The winner will receive a $10 gift card to Amazon. Amazon has always been good to me. I have ordered lots of books and gifts through their site. Now that I have a blog I have become an Amazon affiliate and earn commissions through items that are purchased by clicking on the advertisement on this page. That is why I chose Amazon and I hope that everyone has fun with it. We'll see what happens at the end of the week. Have a happy St. Patrick's Day.

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