Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Extended Puppy Pose

I made it all the way through my school days without ever sneaking out, but now that I am a mom I find myself mastering the art of quietly slipping away in order to not wake up a sleeping baby. I have to slide on my hands and knees across the floor. I feel like I am a secret agent and Z is a bomb, my heart pounds as I try to escape without setting off the bomb. l have learned where all the squeaky spots are on the hardwood, and a safe distance at which I can get up and walk away without disturbing him. This is our typical bedroom routine.

It's not always that bad, depending on how exhausted he is. The other night I laid him down and he contorted himself into the
extended puppy yoga pose (see example above) and conked right out. I was so humored by it that I had to share this with my husband.
Now, let me just say that my son does a lot of things that I don't attempt, (like sucking on his toes), so I don't know what possessed me to mimic his sleep position, but I did and I regret it. It went something like this:

I will be MM for Messy Mom and my husband will be meany.

MM: "Honey, you're not going to believe this, but Z laid down like this and went right to sleep."

Meany: "Oh yeah?"

MM: "Yeah, he had his butt sticking straight up in the air"

Meany: continues typing on his laptop

MM: "Honey, he was just like this, it was so funny, are you looking?"

Meany: Typing away as he mutters "yeah, that's funny"

MM: turns head and strains neck to see if Meany is actually looking "OWWWW, ow, ow! I just hurt my neck."

Meany: looks up from the computer

MM: "I am serious, I think I am stuck. Ahhh!"

Meany: "Now that's funny."

I would have smacked him if I could have moved.


Anonymous said...

Hope you're better now.

hannah said...

i wish you had a picture of that ;)