Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Why Me? Tuesday

I can only blame myself for this next story in my series of unfortunate events.

I was pretty exhausted and feeling a little brain dead after having just gone grocery shopping with my one year old (need I say more?). When we leave the store I throw on my sunglasses and head home. I felt like one lens was really dirty, but I was driving so I didn’t want take my hands off of the wheel to fix it. As we pull up to the house my husband was doing yard work and I smile and wave. He starts motioning to me. I thought maybe he wanted me to park somewhere else so I rolled down the window and he says “your glasses” and points to his eyes. I then looked in the mirror to see that I had been driving around with one lens missing. It was the most ridiculous sight I have ever seen. My son had thrown my glasses on the floor in the grocery store and one of the lens busted out, but I just popped it back in and thought they were fixed, but apparently I was wrong. I can’t believe I did that, but at least we all got a good laugh out of it even if it was at my expense.


Hannah said...

LOL!!!! hahahaha.....

Melissa and Erin said...

oh wow! i don't know which story is better...there are tears.