Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Monthly Dinners With Friends

For the longest time J and I wanted to have company over, but it was difficult without a fully functioning kitchen. Last year we finally completed our kitchen remodel and did we have friends over? Not so much.

So this year we made a goal for ourselves to have friends and family over for dinner once a month. We are already halfway through the year and so far we haven't missed a month.

Having company at the house is a lot of fun and the fact that it is motivation for me to cook and clean is a bonus. There is always great conversation at dinner usually followed by coffee and games. I know this may seem like no big deal for those of you that are throwing parties and having barbeques every weekend, but we just aren’t that with it. I knew that with our schedules and monthly routines anything more than once a month would be overkill, so this small attainable goal has really worked for me. I already have talked to some friends about dropping by this month now I just need to figure out what to cook!


Wanda said...

Just do it!
I've learned....never hesitate when it comes to having guests over.
The blessing goes both ways. People just want to love investing in them.

Go simple. Always! Home is where the heart is, remember?

Moore Minutes said...

I agree, it is always a blessing to have people over. What better way to use our homes? Thanks for the inspiration.

Becky said...

I like that as a goal! We do have people over pretty regularly, and it is a major motivation to clean up. Now next I guess I need to invite people to visit our master bathroom. . .