Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Dad

This week's theme was Men Say The Darndest Things. I even included a story of my dad sticking his foot in his mouth. Well with tomorrow being father's day I though maybe I should end with how sometimes "men say the sweetest things".

One time my dad was on the phone with me while he was at work and we always end conversations with "I love you". Some of his female coworkers over heard him and they just started chattering away "OH that is so SWEET! Were you talking to your wife?" "No that was my daughter" he said. "AWWWW, you told her you loved her? Wow. She is so lucky!" and the women just went on and on. When my dad told me about these women's reactions I was kind of sad because it made me think that telling your daughter that she is loved is a rare thing, and maybe it is. I am grateful that I have a loving father.

Yesterday my dad went to get the new iphone. He has never had an iphone and held out for all this time. Being the mac addict that he is my mom told him he really needed to do this for himself and so he got up early drove an hour away to stand in line and wasted half his day only for them to be sold out. While other men would have pitched a fit or pouted all day long my dad came home with a bouquet of flowers for my mom. No particular reason, just didn't want to come home empty handed. I am grateful to have a father that loves my mother.

Lastly, when I started this blog almost a year ago I was really excited about it and I had like 5 readers, one of which was my dad. It might be a silly venture, but this little blog means a lot to me and my dad is still one of my biggest fans. Even though the content is geared toward women he reads every post. One of my first posts was about the day I was born it was called My Entrance and this is what my dad wrote as a comment:

"That was one of the best days of my life when you came into the world. What a gift from God!
I am so excited to see you are using your brilliance for writing.


I am grateful to have a father that believes in me.

Happy Fathers Day Dad. Thank you for all that you do. Your love for your saviour and your family are an inspiration. I hope you get your iphone soon.


Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

I love hearing about your Dad! It's so funny following your blog. I'm recognizing your face as if I know you in my every day life. If we ran into each other, I would probably think it common to see you somewhere. I wonder if I could quickly pinpoint where I know you from? Happy Father's Day to your Dad and all the other Dad's out there!

Becky said...

Oh, I love this post! Having your dad's love and admiration is the very best thing for a girl. I truly believe it sets you up to choose a good husband, and it makes you feel right no matter what. Happy Father's Day to you guys!