Saturday, June 6, 2009

The End of Summer Fashion Week

All this week I have shared some of my favorite thrift store finds for this season. In this outfit I found these dressy walking shorts when I went on my thrift store shopping spree last month. I paired them with some other thrift finds that I already had to create this business casual ensemble (even the chair is from the thrift store).

Thanks for joining me for this edition of the messy mom thrift store fashion show. I know that taking a bunch of faux modeling photos and spending a week talking about my clothes could come across as a bit narcissistic, but trust me that is not it at all. It is actually a huge step for me to swallow my insecurity and have fun with the idea of playing dress up along with promoting the thrift store potential that is out there. I hope this is an encouragement for anyone else that wants to do the same. This brings me to my 6th and final fashion tip:

The most important thing with pulling off an outfit is to be confident in it. If you feel uncomfortable or bad about how you look it's going to show. I know this is a hard one for us girls, but it's a biggie. This summer let go of all your inhibitions and allow yourself to feel good about how you look. This will be your most valuable accessory.


Anonymous said...

Love the last comment. Very true.

Becky said...

I love that combo! The shorts with heels looks great on you.