Saturday, October 24, 2009

A final word and special announcement

All week I have been talking about women and the ongoing struggle with body image. I know it's a sensitive subject, but it's a big issue and if it isn't dealt with it has the power to destroy lives. That is why as a woman I feel I have some responsibility in changing the way women define their self worth and it all starts with how I view myself.

There is a quote by Naomi Wolf, author of The Beauty Myth, that says:

"A Mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually VACCINATES her daughter against low self-esteem."

I remember the first time I heard this quote, before I ever had any children, and it just resonated in me. I need to have love for myself, not in a way that is proud or self-seeking, but as David said in the Psalms to recognize that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. To stop obsessing over how I look or feel like I am perceived and start to focus my energy outward. I always felt like someday I would have a daughter and I could tell her how pretty she was all day long, but if I had a hatred toward myself and my body then my efforts to encourage her would be useless.

Earlier this week I found out that we are going to have a girl! I feel blessed and honored to have a daughter. Her name will be Sedona. In 2006 we traveled to Sedona Arizona and absolutely fell in love with the place.

For someone who has spent their whole life in the suburbs it was refreshing to be in a place that is surrounded by natural beauty. We didn't have any children at the time, but we felt like if we ever had a girl her name would be Sedona. If you were to look up the meaning or popularity of the name Sedona you probably wouldn't be able to find much information. Believe me I know because that is what I did.

It is not a very common name, which just makes me like it that much more. It means a lot to us though because the name represents the beauty of God's creation and as Sedona grows up and goes through good times and bad I want her to know she is in fact a beautiful creation. Even as she stays nestled in my belly right now every part is coming together as the designer has intricately formed and created her to be. What a miracle she is. What a miracle we all are. I can't wait to meet my beautiful little girl.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Congratulations on finding out about Miss Sedona!! And I love the name.

I have thought about this topic often. As a woman who struggles mightily with her weight, one of the reasons I now have for being healthy - inside and out - is to set a good example for my daughter.

It's interesting how having children changes everything, even our goals for ourselves!

{amy} said...

Whoop whoop! I'm so excited for y'all! I just saw your facebook status & had to come over here to see if you had said anything! I can't wait to meet little miss Sedona!

I love your quote, and I try to live that for my daughter. As you know, I've got a history of NOT loving or accepting myself, and I have prayed for at least the past 11 years that my baby girl will never feel like I did. I think you have a great perspective, and I know you will be such a great mom & example for your baby girl!

Lexi said...

Congratulations! We can't wait to meet her :)

Anonymous said...

such a sweet post, nat :) i really like the quote!