Monday, April 13, 2009


It's official. I guess it's been official for some time now, we are in a recession. I was photographing a woman last week who was one of the many casualties of this economic downturn. She was laid off after working in the same office as a legal secretary for 25 years. She was desperately seeking work and asking me about employment opportunities. When she mentioned substitute teaching I told her I subbed a few years ago and she wanted to use my name for a reference. I gave her my card and told her I would love to help in anyway that I could. I am hearing more and more stories like this everyday and even as my own families financial stability has been seriously threatened I feel like the recession is starting to trickle down and become more of a reality to me.

Just 3 months ago I wrote "The Messy Mom: 2008 Year in Review" and I said this in reference to the economic crisis:

"My economy hasn't really changed much. If it wasn't for the news I might be encouraged by low gas prices, awesome coupon deals, and steady work."

I can't say that anymore. I have had family and friends that have lost their jobs. My bank and credit card company were bought out. Even the gym I belonged to went out of business. Gas prices are back on the rise. The only resolve our government has at this point is more debt, which will be passed on to our children and their children.

There is no denying that money effects us all and that is what this weeks topic is going to be about. Don't worry it isn't going to be as much of a downer as this post has been. Although things might be a little scary right now, I know that God is in control. In the end what we are all facing is just another chapter and perhaps in this time that we feel the poorest we will learn the most valuable lesson.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

So true...I cannot wait to read what else you have to say on the issue. I honestly can say it hasn't affected me as much as some others, but I have still felt an impact. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog a few days back :)

Z looks super cute in his glasses...I read all of your last like 10 posts and just didn't comment on them all. You are a much more frequent poster than me :)