Monday, April 6, 2009

Meet The Cast

When you start a blog one of the major decisions you have to make is how much personal information, if any, you want to divulge on the world wide web. I am a fairly care free person, but I don't consider myself naive. I would say that I am somewhere in between the person that leaves everything unlocked and the person that shreds all their mail before throwing it away. This is probably because I am married to one of those personalities and was raised by the other.

For this blog you may have noticed that I have chosen not to broadcast any real names. However, sometimes I slip up, or I use video footage that is "uncensored" or someone that knows me mentions a name in a comment. Not a big deal, I own my own business I spend half my life trying to "get my name out there" so if you really want to know my name it wouldn't take much investigation.

The dilemma that I find myself in week after week is that I want to talk about loved ones, but saying "my son" or "my husband" gets old fast. Many of you know that I call my son "Z". That's one nick name that I have already started to implement into this blog. The problem is, I worry about the new readers that don't know what Z stands for. I could say something like
"I don't exercise, but Z helps me keep off the extra pounds"
What if someone inserted their own Z word like Zantrex.
"I don't exercise, but Zantrex helps me keep off the extra pounds."
All of the sudden I am responsible for endorsing a diet pill that has dangerous amounts of caffeine.

That is why I am going to try and clear things up this week by introducing some of the characters of my life along with the nick names that they will go by on this blog. This will also allow me to link back to these quirky bios when new readers are in the dark about who or what Z is. Hopefully this will clear up any future confusion and could even prevent someone from a possible caffeine overdose.

1 comment:

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I had such a hard time figuring out what to do about this issue on my blog! I finally decided, because I couldn't come up with anything better, to just use my husband and daughter's names. I never use my last name, though. I guess that's where I draw the line. Can't wait to meet your cast!