Friday, April 3, 2009


It is inevitable, when you become a mother you have those little sayings that you repeat over and over again until it is embedded into your child's brain. I saw a Reese Witherspoon interview last week where she confessed to using mom phrases such as “I am not your friend- I am your mother”
I think it’s been a fact since the beginning of time. I can just picture Eve saying to Cain “Don’t make me count to 3”

For those unfamiliar with the counting threat, it is when you have three seconds to stop whatever you are doing and start to obey or else. This was a classic with my mom. I can just hear her now “ONE… TWO…” and that’s it, she technically never did count to 3. If you weren't straightened out by two she would come after you!
Another big one I heard growing up during sibling quarrels was “knock it off or I’ll cluck your heads together!” and I also heard a lot of “It’s a good thing your cute” when I was being only moderately bratty. That was more from my dad though, my mom didn’t really care if I was cute or not.

In the year and half that I have been a mother I have naturally come up with a few of my own, such as “leave the drama for the mama” which can apply to many situations. Or one that is a little more specific to my son is when he says owie, just because he is upset. He says owie when he is in trouble or doesn’t get his way and my response to him is “That is not an owie, the only thing hurt is your feelings”

Anita Renfroe was just a small town pastors wife and home schooling mom from Georgia. That was until her rendition of William Tell Overture called “total Momsense” was posted on You Tube and viewed by over 15 MILLION people! She is now a successful stand up comedian and author. Her comedy routine has become an international sensation all because she was able to sum up the universal commonality that we can all find in a mother's daily use momism.

Do you have any momisms, or any memories of them? If so please share, I’d love to add to my repertoire.

1 comment:

{amy} said...

I'm not sure if this counts, but I catch myself saying, "That's just not acceptable." in that "mom-o-tone" voice ALOT!