The foundation of my beliefs in what I have been labeling “Teachable Parening” is that my family unit can be a reflection of God’s relationship with us. When we look at the Bible to see how God relates to us as his children, we see that in the Old Testament there was a system of external control. There were priests that were your connection to God and sacrifices for the atonement of sin. In the old covenant things were rough, God did indeed seem angry. Then in Jeremiah 31:27 it was prophesied that there would be a new covenant that would change everything. In the New Testament we learn how God gave his son for us and paid the price for all of our sin on the cross. We now have a new covenant with God. He is in us and moves through us. All we have to do is allow him to.
This is all the basis for
Christianity and for believers it’s good news, but it’s also something most of
us have known for a long time. But do we apply these New covenant principles in
relating to our children? Should we?
In Loving Our Kids On Purpose Danny Silk gets to the heart of the matter as he writes
“On the cross,
Jesus dealt with the condition that required God to relate to us from the
outside. As a result, punishment, wrath, and intimidation have all disappeared
from His attitude toward us. God is a safe
place. Because sin has been dealt
with in the New Covenant, we no longer need to be punished or controlled but
need to learn to manage our freedom responsibly, which changes the goal of
government as well as the goal of parenting. When love and freedom replace
punishment and fear as the motivating forces in the relationship between parent
and child, the quality of life improves dramatically for all involved."
I know it sounds crazy to
even suggest love and freedom in place of punishment. Do we want to let our
kids run a muck? No, that is not the strategy here. There is a difference between punishment and
discipline We all need to be disciplined, especially children. We all need
guidance and correction, and to understand that there are consequences for our
actions. Teachable Parenting is not about omitting any of that, but the main
goal is to break the cycle of disrespect and create a culture of honor by
focusing on the character and heart above all.
When the new covenant was
established and Jesus went up into heaven he left us with the Holy Spirit which
is another element of the model we have for our family. In John 16:7 Jesus
describes the one coming as the comforter or helper. Then in 2 Corinthians 3:17
we see that where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! One more verse
for the home stretch which I quoted yesterday 2 Timothy 1:7 God has
not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a sound mind. Or I
love what the amplified says
“a spirit of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”
“a spirit of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”
So in this new covenant we see God working on our hearts from the inside out and we embrace a
lifestyle of freedom, comfort, love etc. then I look at the style of parenting
that uses threats and intimidation to get results in behavior and it just doesn’t
seem to gel. There is a contradiction there.
This is day 10 of a 31 day series. For more Teachable Parenting click HERE.
Yay....moms unite!!!!! Love any blog that allows me to be a messy mom :)
I LOVED this:
So in this new covenant we see God working on our hearts from the inside out and we embrace a lifestyle of freedom, comfort, love etc. then I look at the style of parenting that uses threats and intimidation to get results in behavior and it just doesn’t seem to gel. There is a contradiction there.
I've felt the same way!!! You just worded it much better than I could!!!
Love, love, love your topic. I am a teacher and love to work with teachable parents. Today I even think it is worse - they don't even have time to think about being teachable. Most of my parents punish when help and direction is what the child needs.... sad,sad, sad... loved your blog
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