born- October 5th at 2:00 am
weighing- 8.10 pounds
measuring- 21 inches
I am just throwing that out there. Feel free to give your own guesses!
It's funny how the majority of the pregnancy I have been giving myself a guilt trip for being so distracted with other things. I guess I am making up for it now because ALL I can think about is getting ready for the new arrival (and chewing ice, which I know means I am probably anemic, but anyway...). This has felt like the quickest pregnancy ever and I can't believe the big day could be any day now!
I try to make it a tradition to get out and have some fun at the end of each pregnancy. So, the past week has been spent celebrating and enjoying quality time with the people I love.
Saturday was my baby shower which was really special. I had such a great time just hanging out with all the other women that I hardly ever get to talk to and I felt very loved.
The theme was Little Prince. The diaper castle and castle cake were AMAZING!
Above: Friends from church Below: My cousin, mom, nephew, and sister in laws.
Tuesday was shopping and pedicures with my mom. We spent the whole day trying to prepare and pamper at the same time. It was a success!

I don't have many pics yet, but here are our coffees at our favorite little hang out place in Lexington.
Now that I am feeling refreshed I am ready to get back to business. This next (potentially last) week of pregnancy I plan on using every ounce of my time and energy to get all the final details ready for this little guy. Here we go!
No way, I don't think you're gonna make it until the 5th! You can try though:). I say Oct 2nd. What do I get if I win? Lol.
Mels- if I follow your brother's tend I will give you an air high five over the internet and I think he gave points too?
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