Besides having his first meal at 7 months old

he also began rolling over
and sitting up.
He is a spoiled and gets carried around a lot! This my view when I wear him in the grocery store.
He's just go with the flow. Here he is "watching" Super Man with the guys.
Heesh sooch a adobalbable bebe. Oh I'm sorry, did that not make sense? That's how my brain works sometime around this cutie pie. He is so precious I find my thoughts just turning into mush. I know it's sappy, but it's true. I love this baby. He is such a joy to hold, squish, and kiss.
People that ask me about his temperament probably regret it, because I get out my bragaphone and start chanting about my angel. He is that sweet and wonderful. I mean it. I have two other kids so I know my day is coming when he too may be categorized as strong willed, but for now God knows I needed an easy compliant baby. That doesn't mean he never cries or has rough nights, but seriously, he is about as easy going as a healthy baby can possibly be.
That's my Ezie at 7 months old.
His temperament sounds so much like my baby girl's! She'll be in high school soon, and so far so good! I hope the same for your sweet Ezie!
Woo hoo. I receive that Amy ;)
What a cutie! It's amazing how fast they learn and grow at that age.
I think I have missed the last 2 months, so a little catch up post was great!! He is so cute!!
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