Silly me! I forgot their target audience is half my age and listening to One Direction. And here I was interested in this guy's story or anything that he might have to say.
Then last August my best friend mentioned one of the contestants on Project Runway had an interpreter and a cochlear implant.

Say no more! I immediately started following the show and when they highlighted him on the Lifetime website it actually did elaborate about his life story this time. So that was neat.
Fast forward to this year and I saw this Duracell commercial, which features Seahawk's player Derrick Coleman and talks about the struggles he had growing up deaf and playing football.
I couldn't hold the tears back when I watched it the first time. I say first time because I have watched it many times. It's very inspiring. On top of that he responded to a letter that a little girl wrote to him about how she looks up to him and how he has overcome similar challenges in his life. So from that point on I was rooting for the Seahawks, and that was before they were in the SuperBowl. Granted, Richard Sherman's cocky rant was enough to make me want to jump ship, but as far as I am concerned Coleman's humility, even in the midst of all the publicity he has gotten, is enough to make up for it. If you go to ESPN.com you can find the front page story with more details about Coleman's journey. If you go to his Facebook page you'll find his most recent status update that says FAITH in all caps followed by many exclamation marks and the scripture from Hebrews 11:1-3. On top of all of that, he gave a shout out to a boy that graduated from SJ's school a couple years ago and he even posted a link to help raise funding for him to get a special football helmet designed to work with the Cochlear Implant.
How cool to have a deaf role model playing in the Super Bowl. I'm not the biggest Football fan, but I'll be rooting for #40 on Sunday! And to Coleman, in his own words; No Excuses. Play Hard. Have FAITH!!!
Very cool! I haven't paid any attention to football this season, so I didn't even know who was playing in the Super Bowl until tonight when I watched a little clip from the news about a couple of local guys who will be playing against each other on Sunday. I do plan on watching the commercials at least. And since I don't have any particular reason to root for the Broncos, I'll root for the Seahawks along with you!
That's really neat! And what a bonus that's he's a great guy with character!!!
very inspirational and they did win!!
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