It really was a major milestone. Then in December she started piecing two words together and saying "Z hit!" (or Z push, Z hurt, Z boo boo, etc.) Her latest achievement is the 3 word combination such as "Z hit me". I hate to be so enthusiastic about sibling rivalry, but it really is exciting to watch her build her communication skills!
There are other things I am sure would annoy most parents, but I am just thrilled to hear her talk. For example the other night we had cut off juice for the day and told her she could have water. She didn't like that and she just kept whining JUUUUUUICE. Then when she was given a cup of water she said "No. I want apple juice." Perfectly clear. How am I supposed to respond to that? I didn't give in, but I did smile and maybe clap a little.
She has said several other sentences recently like
"Mom, I hear phone"
"I hear it"
"I want pudding"
"I will do it"
"Daddy sit down."
"Baby Ezie's turn"
She can also count to 5 and knows several colors.

She sang 5 little monkeys along with her class for a school presentation. Here is a video of Z and SJ practicing.
Last week she was in The Very Hungry Caterpillar play and said her line perfectly, which was "I eat hotdog", without any cue.

Way to go SJ!

She is making great strides. Even her bedtime routine has made a complete 180 degree turn since I last
That's just a small portion of a ten minute video! That girl is on fire. It was this time a year ago that she said her first word and now she knows a couple hundred words. For 6 years Z was the only one talking and it won't be long now that I will have three chatter boxes on my hands. Bring it on.
Bird, cow, dog, rabbit, hand, ear, feet, eye, horse (twice in a row), bug, strawberry, hamburger, kitty cat, bike, cow (which she calls horse at first), sink, hotdog, crackers, pizza, chair, cup, bed, spoon knife, fork, boat, phone."
She is so adorable! And using a lot of words! And the phrases and short sentences- awesome!
She's doing great!! I was just telling my friend about her last week. I don't remember why I thought of her, but I was sharing a bit about your story. I could actually understand quite a bit of what she said in the video. Some of the words sounded similar to how Cody used to say things {that hard C sound is hard to say!}
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