It's finally Spring. Flowers are blooming, kites are flying, and the blue skies are smiling. Not to mention one of my favorite signs of the season, the poster board signs that are popping up all over the place directing me to all of the hidden treasures that await. I am talking about the plethora of yard sales. I had no idea that I lived in the heart of yard sale central, but there have already been some serious "saling" weekends and I am sure there are more to come.
I have to be careful when I hit up these community events, because I love a good deal, but lets face it, I don't exactly have a place to put anything other than the essentials. However, the kids are always growing out of their clothes and there are other items I am on the look out. I just try to use restraint as I pass over all the unnecessary temptations.
I landed some awesome deals on some clothes for SJ today, but what I really want to show off is this bundle of goodness I picked up a couple weeks ago.
I purchased over $200 worth of loot for TEN smackeroos. I was so excited. We really wanted a Brita water filter because we buy a lot of bottle water, so I was thrilled to find one with two filters for $2 total. I also got a swim suit for Ezie for $1 and a cool little storage caddy for two bucks that can fold up all these different ways. I love it and it was brand new.
Then my two favorites- a new winter coat for Z that is like 3 coats in one.
It was the perfect size, like it was placed in my path divinely.
Z had the same coat for 3 years, which isn't a problem. I was thrilled that it fit him that long, but we knew he would need a new one next winter. He loves this trendy ZeroXposure ski coat, which is just like the ones his friends at school have.

We desperately needed a gate to keep the kids out of the office area where there is no door. They had previously broken the two cheap ones we had before, and we knew it was time to invest in one that actually opened and closed. When we found this one for a buck we didn't even care that it needed a little work. You know J, he tweaked it and he had it functioning perfectly in no time. It really has been a huge blessing to us!
Also, this isn't about yard sales, but I scored big on some brand name shoes for the kids that I found at the thrift store.
Z has a pair of Keens are PERFECT for all the hiking that we do (you can't see them that well, but they are in the photo above) and SJ has some adorable pink Sperry Top Sider's that are like new.
Both shoes are valued at $50 each and we spent less than $3 each. Sorry, to do a whole post showing second hand purchase shenanigans, but I can't contain my excitement when I save more than 90% of retail value on quality items.
Have you done any "yard sailing" lately???
Those are pretty awesome finds! I don't think we have very good yard sales around here, but I am hoping to come across a bike for Celia and a little outdoor play house this year. There's no way I would buy one of those plastic play houses new, but if I can find one for 5 bucks the kids would love it.
Oh wow! I have not done any yard sailing lately, but your amazing deals make me want to find some sales!
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