1. Berry Picking
I love berries! Picking them straight off the bush just makes them taste even better.

SJ took this one on my phone.

And here are the benefits all mashed up on a aunt Julie's homemade shortcake. YUMAZING. Best dessert I've had all summer.

2. Farm Animals
When my mom was growing up they had all kinds of animals and pretty much lived off of the land. It's not quite like that anymore, but there are still plenty of gardens, a couple of pigs, some dogs, and lots of CHICKENS.

SJ was the chicken whisperer. She helped them reach the leaves at the top of what I called the Charlie Brown tree and they were extremely grateful.

3. Rocks and Rivers
We've been to a few lakes this summer, but this time we went to the river where my mom played growing up. It was the perfect day for a summer dunk.

My mom has some video of us running down the hill at full force holding hands and crashing into the water. We had such a great time.
4. Mountains
The mountains were a welcome sight in contrast to the hilly area that we live. We even ventured up 3,000 feet to the summit of one of these Vermont beauties.

5. Distant Relatives
My children have never met many of their distant relatives. And by distant, yes they do live far away, but I am talking about great aunts and uncles, or second cousins and such.
This photo is special because it's the three "Jeans". My Aunt Jean is in the blue shirt, then my middle name is jean after her, and SJ's middle name is also Jean after me!

My aunt Jean does lovely paintings and when she saw this photo of SJ with the chickens she immediately inspired some artwork. I can't wait to see the turn out.

6. Cook out
The last day we were in Vermont we had a cookout with the whole family.

The flames were leaping off the grill. The family was gathered around in the rocking chairs and picnic table catching up on lost time.

The children were running around playing kick ball and climbing on tractors.

It was a wonderful trip and I already can't wait until we get to visit again.
Those are great pictures. I love VT. So beautiful. I think if we wouldn't be so far from our families, we might have lived there.
What a wonderful trip! It all sounds just perfect! I've never been to Vermont, but it looks like a lovely place to go!
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