Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Where Did You Meet Your Spouse?

Today is my anniversary (by the time I finally publish this it will be "yesterday was my anniversary"). I thought it would be fun to take a poll about where my friends met their spouses, and to put a spin on it what would it be like if they got married at that same location? *The online conversation really took off and I got nearly 100 responses between Instagram, a blogger forum, and Facebook.

The thing is, now I want to hear a hundred more details because I have always said I am a sucker for love stories. I actually have a few that I am going to tuck away for a Where Did You Meet Your Spouse? Part II blog post because they are just too good not to elaborate on. Trust me!

Here is the question:

If you got married in the exact place that you first met your spouse where would that be? 

And here are some of the answers:

On a football field sideline

A bar (she was the bartender by the way) 

At the mall on Black Friday

Sand volleyball courts

A Fish Camp

U-Scan at Kroger

The Bus Station Downtown

9th Grade English Class

J Crew

"In the cafeteria of my university in Thailand. My husband (from Oregon) was part of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)'s summer project group." 

That's just a handful, but there were plenty of people from my poll that had met at college, someone's house (through friends), or at church. It's not so much about WHERE you met your spouse it's HOW you met your spouse that tells the story. For example I noticed a lot of people put the airport. Now before all you single ladies get gussied up and head to terminal E I should explain that a lot of this is because of online dating. More people are falling in love across the county and not even meeting in person until they travel to do so. I also noticed a lot of people had really interesting answers like the food court at the mall, but it wasn't due to a pick up line by a stranger, it was a chance meeting through mutual friends. This got me thinking.

What is the most common way married couples find one another?

After doing a little research, it looks like my personal poll mirrored the population pretty well. Some reports that I read were conflicting, but it is pretty certain that work/school is number one, with connecting online shortly behind it. Can you believe that 1/4 of couples initially meet on the web these days! All of the studies I read also show meeting through mutual friends being up there as one of the highest ranking ways to find "the one". Friends introducing friends is one form of match making that has stayed constant through the years, unlike many trends that have fluctuated with cultural changes.

For example in what we'll call "the old days" more people were set up through their family members. These days families usually have little to no involvement. In the old days people married younger (and were possibly more commitment minded, but that's just my speculation) so high school or even elementary school were not uncommon places to meet your future mate. In the old days no one met at work, because women didn't work, but that all changed as more women went into the workforce. Your job increasingly became one of the number one ways to meet your husband or wife up until the 90's when it started to decline for the first time and meeting on the web began to surface. Online dating now trumps work place relationships by far. Makes sense to me. I am sure it's less awkward for everyone if you can avoid having to work with exes.

One of the most interesting findings I came across was from in an article by Laura Blue called "How Couples Meet" it ends with a  statement that caught me off guard coming from a secular magazine, it said:

"But does it really matter how couples meet? Yes and no, the survey suggests. The happiest couples, it seems, are those who met through church. These partners report the highest overall relationship satisfaction." 

That's good news for me since I did meet my husband at church. It happened when I was a young teenager whose family had to relocate thanks to my dad's job. I was new at this church and it just so happened that J had taken a part time position as the new worship leader at the same church. As a young college student J was much older than me. So it wasn't like we instantly fell for each other at, but the first time I saw him he was at the alter leading the congregation in songs to the Lord. After church my family invited him to have lunch with us.

This was about 16 years ago when we were "just friends" Note the overalls when they were trendy the first time!

We became good friends and did eventually fall in love of course. A couple years later we were married at that same church.

Here is a photoshopped version of a really scratched up scanned photo from our wedding day.

 It wasn't the most glamorous location. Seriously, it was an old metal building on the side of the highway under a giant billboard for Schlitterbahn water park. I never realized it until today, but our ceremony 14 years ago was almost a symbolic reenactment of the first day I ever laid eyes on him. Me at the back of the church walking down the aisle seeing him up at the alter. It was special.   

One of the things I have really enjoyed about reading everyone's answers  to that question I posted online today is that you could just tell by the way people responded that everyone was reliving that life changing moment. Sometimes it's nice to reminisce, and today I have enjoyed doing it with all of you. So, thank you to everyone who helped me out with this little whim of a project. Or for my married friends that didn't have a chance to answer feel free to share your story in the comments. I'd love to hear it. You know how I feel about love stories! 


Claire Bleger said...

Thanks for posting the question on Facebook. I love reliving the moment we first met. I fell madly in love that day. In fact, I knew before I laid eyes on him or knew any information about him, other than his name, that we would be together forever. It was like I had a little whisper in my ear saying you need to go. I like to believe it was my guardian angel.

Jennifer Pepito said...

Beautiful post and how fun to have a husband who can lead worship. I love it that my children are beginning to lead out in my home but my husband and I are not musical so we have had to raise some kids up who can lead for us. Blessings!

Tobi@SimplyJesus said...

Love this post, I also love a good love story. It gives hope to this single girl. :)

Wendy said...

How fun are you! We met at my front door but got married on the beach.

Timmerman's Place said...

Love that so many people know exactly where they met their love. Your story is special to me because you involved so many of us and impacted our young girls. Thank you Natalie and Jeremy for living out commitment, love, grace and determination. Happy Anniversary!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

We met at our company picnic up in Camden Maine back in 1996. It was called the Cornboil and our company threw a big Summer party. Chubby Checker played and they had free Seadog Beer so we thought it was the coolest thing ever. Looking back I thing - how embarrassing! But, it was a good story! What a fun post!

Unknown said...

I initially met met my husband on the internet. I remember looking out my peephole when he came to pick me up thinking oh crap, he is actually cute lol. The rest is history.

The Momma said...

It really is neat how people meet their spouses. I always love hearing those stories :) From one November 5th couple to another -- Happy Anniversary! Here's to your special day (and ours) and to many more years together to love and serve the Lord and each other!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your post today! It is FUN to see how and where people meet their one and only (even their second time around one and only as in my case)...and thank you for linking back to our blogs! Hope you and hubby enjoy your special day and many many more to come!!

blestbutstrest said...

Times, they are a changin'! I remember when 'online dating' had a huge stigma--that's cool that 1/4th of married couples meet online now days. Happy Anniversary!

Tara Ulrich said...

Happy Anniversary! And this post gives me hope! I am 36, still waiting to find my Mr. Right!

Unknown said...

IF this was as much fun as I had reading it, you had a blast! Can't wait for part 2!

LivingforGod said...

Happy 14th Anniversary to you and your husband! I've always enjoyed real-life love stories. I read your love story series. So sweet! My husband and I also wrote poems for each other when we were dating. He also composed a song for me but we didn't share any of these at our wedding. We've been married for over 23 years and we still write poems and love letters to each other from time to time :).

~Urailak (Fruit Bearer on FB, the one who met her future husband in the cafeteria of her university in Thailand :))

Sarah said...

I loved this post. I love love stories and reading all the responses was better then a romcom.

Lauren said...

Happy late anniversary. I am a sucker for a love story!!! You've made me think about how each of our love stories are unique, but that if He is in the center, they will all have happy endings... even if we face trials! Loved this post!!!

{amy} said...

I know I'm way behind, and you already know the answer, but we met at church! I think we've discussed this before, but it's weird to think that y'all are only four years behind us! I mean, we had been married a whole FOUR years and a few months when y'all got married! That seemed like so long at the time!