In the world of hearing loss I feel like the label "Late Identified" is a big red stamp across my daughter's forehead. These days most deaf children are diagnosed through a brief newborn hearing screening before they even leave the hospital. Since SJ wasn't born at the hospital we never had any testing done until she was over two years old.
SJ at two years old, a month after she was diagnosed.

The first seconds of SJ's life!
As with any treatment plan, like with cancer or autism, the earlier you can diagnose and intervene, the better. There are so many benefits to getting started at a young age when it comes to language, and we lost two years of valuable time. However, having those years of not knowing did have some benefits.
"Was it meant to be? I don’t know. I wonder how over-protective and lame I would have been if they had handed me my newborn baby and said, by the way she’s profoundly deaf. Looking back I can see the blessing it was that we got to know Leah for her first year with the complete expectation that she could do anything, she was limitless. When we did hear her diagnosis “severe to profound hearing impairment” when she was 14 months old, we mourned. We cried. We felt silly. We couldn’t believe it. We thought there was a mistake. We hoped it would go away. We felt all of that and more at once! Finally we looked at Leah and she was still her happy beautiful self. And we recognized that for Leah nothing had changed. Nothing was wrong."

Another therapist was astounded by SJ's cognitive abilities and said she had never worked with a deaf child potty trained at such a young age. I'd like to take credit for that too, but once again I didn't realize I was potty training a deaf child (and besides that she initiated it). For over two years I treated her like any other baby/toddler. We didn't fret. We weren't trying to protect her. We weren't taking action. We just loved her as she was, and in the mean time she loved us back and proved to be a very capable, thriving, joyous little lady.
Well you I didnt have a tissue handy, but I needed one! Lovely!
Like you I also didn't know my daughter was Deaf until she was 2. She is now a senior in high school. Thanks for sharing your story.
oh my gosh, that was so beautiful! I'm so glad you shared it! I think there can be SUCH a stigma on any child that isn't perfectly average or "normal", for whatever reason, and to love them right where they are, for who they are, is so important, especially as you, the parent, are trying to weed through what needs to change for them, etc.
Natalie: this is so gorgeous! I wish I had something else profound to add--but there's nothing to add. I just love how love can speak and be heard--always heard!
Love you!
Natalie, thanks for sharing. We have loved watching the wonderful progress of Sedona, thru your blog and on FB. I am confident there are many wonderful things ahead for SJ.
I hadn't thought before about how your experience has differed from those who knew of their child's diagnosis at birth. You didn't treat her any differently than you have treated your boys, which is wonderful. I'm sure there would have been some coddling (or something) had you known she was deaf, but that was obviously not how her story was supposed to be. How beautiful that God worked it out to be this way. I love that she understood your love without words!
Even though we knew that Allison was deaf when she left the hospital after being there for 9 weeks, she didn't have her 1st CI operation until she was just over 2 years of age, for whatever reason back then they didn't implant kids until they were 2, now we know better. Implant early. As you can see from my latest post, being implanted at 2 didn't stop Allison. Enjoy the journey you are on now.
Wow. Love this post and the sweet perspective you have gained with time.
Alesha <3
SJ is a beautiful little girl. Amazing how much she picked up (the potty training etc) when you didn't even know yet that she couldnt hear. She was the same little girl she always had been...oh how true. Yet I am sure it was hard to hear the diagnosis. Thanks for sharing your story! SJ is one lucky girl to have you as her momma!
This is a beautiful story. Imagine the legacy you've created for your little girl by treating her as completely equal to your other kids. Being deaf wasn't a barrier. Yes, she's very young, but I think that will carry on. All because of a late diagnosis. Praise the Lord you have answers now, but also praise Him for the time you spent (and will spend) as a normal family!
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