Then I had the urge to do something crazy, like dye my hair! That wasn't appealing to me though. I used to dye my hair when I was a teenager, but it's been about 15 years since I decided I would rather save all that hassle for when I go grey. So, what to do? How about change my blog layout.

I have been dreaming up a new blog for over a year. You guys, I have a whole welcome video script and directors notes ready to go. I have screen shot after screen shot of inspiration. In my dreams my blog is awesome and I would recruit the tech geniuses of my family to turn the mental designs into a virtual reality. Alas, time has never permitted any of this to happen and the longer I wait the further the down on the priority list it goes.
I don't really want to give up all the ideas that I've been shaping and chasing for so long, but there are many aspects of my blog I am just sick of. I've been needing a change. So I went for it. I wasn't planning any of this at all and I just decided to scrap what I had and do something different spontaneously. Although then there is always the next day where you think "why did I paint my living room blue?" or "turns out I look horrible with bangs." or "Oh crap, I quit my job?" Luckily the blog thing isn't really that big of a deal, but now that I am in knee deep I am a little unsure of which direction I want to take things. With that said, please be patient with me. Depending on when you see this, Messy Mom will look different next time you stop by. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. It might look really crazy and crooked from time to time, but the plan is to switch to Word Press and get it all sorted out within the next two weeks. Which probably means two months or something like that.
Stay tuned, and as always, don't mind the mess!
I like it.
It looks good! I'm on my phone, so I'll have to check it out on a regular computer, too. Change can be good, and this is a safe one to make! :)
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