Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Easter Full of Firsts

I still have not done an Easter blog post and there are so many things to store in the memory bank from that weekend that I'd better not put this one off any longer.

The day before Easter Z had his first egg hunt. It was a community wide deal at the local park and it was packed. We got there just in time for the 0-2 age group. There were so many kids and parents that Z hardly had a chance, but he did manage to snag a few eggs from some of the higher patches of grass. What shocked me was the parents that were zipping through gathering eggs for their toddlers. Some of them seemed to take it very seriously and almost pummeled over some kids. Then afterwards they furiously cracked open all the plastic eggs to see what they had collected. These were grown adults! It just blew my mind.

It was a beautiful day so afterwards we went to the lake to have lunch and feed some ducks, or as Z would say "we went to eat the ducks". He kept getting confused. It was hilarious.

On Easter Sunday we went to church. SJ wore a dress for the first time.

We had my mom do some snapshots of us in the backyard in front of the wisteria.

Unfortunately it was a gloomy day and the flowers look way better in real life.

Z was spoiled with baskets, eggs, and candy given to him by his grandparents. Even one of our neighbors put together a little easter basket for him.

I thought it was a wonderful way to celebrate SJ's first holiday and she must have agreed because to top it all off she ended the night with her first real smile!

*I didn't have a camera ready when she smiled for the first time, but I caught it a few days later.


{amy} said...

What a great first holiday for SJ! & it looks like Z had a great time, too! I love the pics of him & of SJ's smiling face! :)

Anonymous said...

aw, is it weird to say i love your daughter!? i want to hold her again... and of course i love zion, too! your kids are just special. :)