Thursday, January 26, 2012

Before and After: The Exterior


Unfortunately I couldn't find any pictures of our house when we moved in other than this one that is still existing if you looked it up on google maps.
Since then we added a cedar fence, a wrought iron gate, did a ton of yard work including taking out and adding trees. We also put up a gable, and recently had a new roof put on, along with a fresh coat of paint.


There are SO many things I have loved about this back yard. I will miss the rose bushes that I had clipped from for my friend when she was in the hospital. I will miss the Gladiolas I had photographed for a college project, and the Daffodils that come up right around my daughter's birthday.
I will miss the pecan trees that I was so eager to harvest from that my in laws gave me a nut cracker, and I put it to good use. I will also miss all the beautiful crepe Myrtle trees, which our city is known for, and I loved them even after my son fell out of one and had to get 5 stitches.

I can't forget the fig tree that my mom and I made jam with.

or the smell of Wisteria especially when I was pregnant.

and my favorite, the Redbud tree!

All this talk about plants make it sound like we lived in the master gardeners utopia which is not the case at all. Our back yard was pretty simple. We didn't do any gardening we just let the plants do their thing. These perennials, which were part of the package when we moved in, were faithful to bring us delight year after year. I guess if you were to sum up what I loved the most about this yard, I would have to say- Life!


Elizabeth said...

That is an amazing "before and and after". You obviously have much more insight into a house's potential than I do. I took one look at the before picture's monster shrubs and started convulsing. Blechh! And then frowned and went back and forth a few times, trying to figure out if that really was the same house in the second picture. I'm sure you will miss it--it's beautiful.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I just looked through all your before and after posts. Wow. Your house - the one you MADE! - is gorgeous!! I agree with your friend who said it should be shown off. Thanks for sharing your photos!! :)

{amy} said...

I love all the before and afters! I know there'll be so much that you'll miss about your first house. Y'all did such a great job with it!