Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Outtakes

Someone is turning two very soon. That means she's due for another photo session. When Z was this age we got some adorable shots of him in a preppy sweater vest and a hat.

This was the image that we chose for the wallet prints. I decided to go the same route with SJ so I dressed her in a hand me down Gymboree ensemble with a matching hat. I hate to do photo overload, but I can't help but show you a glimpse of all the cuteness that was captured that day. I narrowed it down to two pictures for the wallets and enlargements, but I'll reveal those on her birthday, for now here are the top ten "out takes".


Mels said...

Ahhh! So precious. I miss that baby. I miss you too I guess:) No, but a lot. There's a lot of me missing a lot of the B fam.

{amy} said...

She's adorable! I can't wait to see the other two!

Virginia Revoir said...

AWwww... great pics. It's your blog so post as many pics as you want! It's hard to just say it all in one picture sometimes. Those would be neat in those frames that hold more than one picture. :)