Friday, October 24, 2008

Deals for the Week

After taking a week off for the first time since I started CVSing 4 months ago I am back in business.

1st Transaction
1 Powerade $1.00
2 toothbrush 2 packs $3.99 each - 2, 75 cents Q
2 bags of candy corn $1.29 each
1 Colgate toothpaste $2.99 -$1 Q
1 Listerene mouth wash $4.49
1 Pumpkin pail 99 cents
2 Glow sticks 99 cents each
1 Power Bar .37 cents

-16.96 ECB's

Total OOP= $2.92

2nd transaction
2 toothbrush 2 packs $3.99 each - 2, 75 cent Q
1 Pumpkin Pail 99 cents
1 Atkins nutrition bar 57 cents

-$7.98 ECB's

Total OOP= .06

Saved $35.77 at CVS this week and spent $2.98


Loreal towelettes $7.99 -$1.00 Q
2 bottles of Pert Plus $3.49 -2 $2.50 store Q and 2 $2.00 mnfc Q
2 Lindt Chocolate bars $2.49 each - B1G1 Q - .75 mnfc Q -2 store Q

Total OOP= $7.26
Total savings= $13.84
(I already claimed the rebate for the $7.99 spent on the Loreal so I should be reimbursed the entire amount, making this week a money maker.)

*I made a list of commitments last week to help me to become healthier. So this week I incorporated exercise into my shopping by WALKING to both CVS and Walgreen's. I just brought my son in the stroller and it was easy to lug all of my stuff home with me. Add to that MORE savings because I didn't even have to start up my car to score these deals. I feel blessed that I live in a low traffic neighborhood near a CVS and a Walgreen's.


Unknown said...

I am a huge coupon person an duse refundcents mag but I have to ask.. what does OOP stand for??

Zion said...

Good question, OOP stands for out of pocket. After all the coupons, sales, store credit etc., I spent x amount in actual cash out of pocket.