Friday, October 10, 2008

Froogie Boogie: Are we all going froogie?

When I wrote my first froogie boogie a couple months ago I coined the word froogie as a term to describe a frugal person. As a froogie I consider myself to be the minority, but with the way the economy is going I am wondering how long that will last. Could my crazy thrifty ways become the norm ?

This week on Oprah they talked about the thriftiest family in america, saving money at the grocery store, and using the envelope system, all of which was old news to me. If you want to see a recap of the show you can go to

Saving money and frugal living is all over the media these days, and everyone is starting to rethink their budgets now that it looks like credit isn't all it has been cracked up to be! Does this mean stuff like cloth diapers, thrift stores, and dumpster diving won't be considered ludicrous? Then the selfish side of me kicks in and I want to hoard all the recycling bins, thrift stores, and coupon deals, because I am afraid if everyone starts getting in on all the action there won't be enough to go around. Although, I guess we have a ways to go before that will ever happen and I need to share the love.

I came across this Weird Al song the other day, it is a paraody of the #1 hit song "Whatever You Like" by T.I. and as a froogie I can totally relate to the lyrics. Check it out if your looking for a laugh.

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