Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Work For Me Wednesday: Green Bags

When it comes to infomercials, as seen on TV ads or any of that propoganda I am generally skeptical. However, I did see some positive reviews of the Green bags on some morning show and as one who has been a victim of rotten wasted produce a time or two, or 200, it certainly peeked my interest. I have gone so far as to put the green bags in my shopping cart, but then put them back because you know $10 is a ton of money. Then my mom surprisingly bought some for me a few months ago and I have really come to appreciate them. However, I began to wonder if i was my imagination or were they really working?

So I began my own investigation. I started this experiment on Sunday with the exact same bunch of bananas. I still need to conduct further research, but so far I think the evidence is in the photographs.

with green bag

without green bag

For a far more in depth unbiased study check out kitchengardentoday.com. They have compare several different types of fruits and vegetables and have photos of course.

I also wanted to see what other "real people" online had to say and if they would agree. There were some that thought the bags were a scam and worthless. However it seems that most people were satisfied with the product.

I like them not only for prolonging the life of my produce, but also for convience. Although it is suggested not to wash the produce before placing it in the bag you can as long as you throughly dry everything. I haven't had any problems with washing. For example I like to wash strawberries or grapes all at one time and just throw them in the bag so they are ready to munch on. I never did that before, I always just kept things in the original container. Take a look inside my refrigerator...

Maybe the consumers that were unsatisfied with this product were not using the bags properly, or maybe they were just expecting more. In the end though this blog is what "works for ME" and so far the green bags do.

For more works for me wednesday go to rocksinmydryer.net


Linda said...

That's interesting. I hadn't even heard of green bags before. Thanks for the tip.

Grammy said...

I saw them on tv but I am glad to know from a real person that they do really work. Thank you.