Friday, October 17, 2008

Froogie Boogie: Using Homegrown Ingredients

Gone are the days where the men would hunt their own game, and the women would collect berries out in the wild to provide for their families. However, that is not to say that you can't get still utilize this concept to some degree. That was one of the fun parts of last nights Salmon dinner with Pecan Pesto. I used ingredients that were found right in my backyard.

We have a pecan tree and although it can be quite a chore to individually crack them, I love the fact that I can just go outside and get free pecans from nature itself. My in laws and my church have big rosemary bushes and so I have access to this fresh herb just as easily. As far as the salmon, I got that from the grocery store. However, at the Frugal Granola blog there is a recipe for a teriyaki sauce which she paired with wild Alaskan Salmon that was from caught right from the source. I can't go fishing in Alaska anytime soon, it sounds awesome though.

You might live in the city but you can still grow potted herbs, or visit an orchard or berry field. You can even cook with dandelions and I think we all have access to this little delicacy in the summertime. Looking outside the market place to find ingredients for your homemade meal is not only super frugal, but lots of fun!

They make pretty photos too. This is a picture of the pecans and rosemary that I gathered for the pesto I made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is how feel about gardening.