Wednesday, July 25, 2012

SJ's Signs Part 2

We leave for Texas in a couple weeks and it will be our first visit back to our home state since SJ's diagnosis. Even though she doesn't sign a ton, I want our Texas family and friends to be able to know what she is saying when she does. I knew I needed to make another signing video of the signs that she uses. I wasn't planning on doing it when I was all hot, sweaty, and had not showered or done my make up, but when SJ hopped up on my lap while I was at the computer it seemed like as good a time as any. In the video it might seem like I am apprehensive about traveling to Texas or the wedding. This is not the case, it was just that I was trying to wing it and it was my ASL vocabulary that I was apprehensive about sooo... anyway enough disclaimers. Here is the second installment of SJ's signs. 

She understands many other signs and she will mimic a lot, but those are some of the main ones that she uses on her own along with; no, milk, more, please, potty, eat, help, thank you, all done, and hurt, which are all included on the first video  except for milk and hurt. 

Milk is pretty easy, just squeeze your fist to represent milking a cow. 
Hurt is just like pointing 2 fingers together wherever the pain is.

I heard that some people had a hard time viewing the first video so I have posted them on youtube in case that helps

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! 


{amy} said...

I love the video! She's too cute & seems to be learning so much! I think you're doing a great job!!

Zion said...

Thank you Amy, you are such an encouragement! I just realized after watching the video that I didn't list the words out and I know the audio is not that great on these web cams. So in case anyone is wondering what the ten words are that I am demonstrating they are;

orange, dad, bath, ice cream, brush teeth, want, shoes, hot, dirty

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness!! Chad and I were cracking up so hard at SJ and also the nintendo noises in the background:). Can't wait see you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are both so smart. I can't believe how much you have learned.
And I've told you how much I love your bangs, right?
--Michele R.