Friday, October 19, 2012


We've had some company come in from all over the country just to see the new little prince! First off from Texas, J's parents and niece stayed for a week and were a huge help with the kids when I was recuperating. 

 J's aunt from California was able to come with them as well. It was such a great week we were sad to see them all go.

Then my best friend and her sister were scheming and trying to find a way to come in from Michigan. It was a long shot, but they made it, even if it did mean J had to tow their car the last 30 miles. Yeah, it was a bummer. Their car broke down and they had to rent a car to get back.  
Despite car troubles we really did have a wonderful time, so much so that J had to console his crying wife when they left.

The last guest left yesterday and I am back into the swing of things. I guess this means the postpartum honeymoon stage is over and it's time for real life motherhood to begin again!


nancy from ky said...

I know, you're on your own next week. I feel bad about that.

{amy} said...

I'm so glad that you've had such great visits! But I'm sorry that you were sad to see them go. I hope the adjustment to "the real world" goes well!