Thursday, November 15, 2012

About Me

J called when I was writing an updated version of my about me page and when he asked what I was doing I told him I was "having an identity crisis" I have been meaning to update my "about me" page for a while now. It's been over 2 years since I wrote it and pretty much everything has changed since then. I just about went crazy trying to come up with what I wanted to say. I feel like I am at a crossroad in my life right now and so I don't really feel comfortable talking "about me".

I could just talk about ME and what I like and how I am just like so many other moms. I enjoy looking at recipes and crafts on Pinterest, but who has the time with 3 preschoolers ya know? La la la...

I know that if I only shared that and tried not to make a big deal about living with my parents and having a "late identified" deaf child then I would be hiding 90% of what my life actually is right now. However, I also feel like if I open up about the real me and share the whole truth then this idea that I would be alienated creeps in, or that I would look like a complete Debbie Downer. With all that I have going on it's kind of like an out of body experience. In one year we quit our jobs, moved out of state, I turned 30, found out our daughter is deaf, and had a baby. I haven't had a chance to keep up with all of the changes. It's like there was a mix up and I got thrown into someone else's life. I don't even relate to myself right now so I can't imagine how other people would perceive me. These are not the type of things I think all the time by the way, not at all, only when I am writing "about me".

I plan on tweaking my website a little more in the future, but at least it no longer looks like I am a 20 something, part time photographer, mother of two, and pastors wife living in Texas. All of this soul searching even inspired me to change my voice mail greeting, which was long overdue. It's a new day people. It is a new day.


{amy} said...

I completely understand! I have also felt like I got thrown into someone else's life for awhile. And I should probably update my "about me" as well. I have updated it since cancer, but it has been several years since I did it!

Marlene Magee said...

your amazaing now I need to update my blog more well have a blessed one miss you

Unknown said...

I just updated my about me section a few days ago and felt the same thing! You aren't alone!