As I type "The Surgery"I hope that I never have to use a title like that ever again and then I remember that this is the first of two. We want (and it is recommended by her medical team and deaf teachers) for SJ to have bilateral cochlear implants, but right now I can't even think about it. The nurses at the hospital asked about her getting a second CI and I told them "it's kind of like giving birth, at first you think you don't ever want to do that again, but then you forget." as I say it I am holding my 3rd child who is 5 weeks old in my arms proving my point. I am learning that this part of our journey has to be looked at one day at a time.
Day 1
From the morning of the surgery I gave play by play updates on Facebook and Instagram. This is how the day unfolded via social network...
8:35 am- I got this Brave doll to give to my brave little girl after surgery. The M&M snack mix is for the nervous mama

11:13 am- On our way to the hospital. She's just relaxed as can be checkin' out the Toy catalogue.

3:30- They have given her the happy juice and she is about to go in.

3:58 pm- They are behind schedule, but SJ is in the operating room. Thank you for your prayers. I will continue to give updates.
5:59 pm- They are inserting the device now! For those that were wondering the entire surgical procedure takes around 4 hours. So probably an hour and a half left.
7:53 pm- Thank you for all of your prayers. SJ is finishing up right now. We haven't seen her yet, but the audiologist and ENT had a very positive report. She won't have the device officially turned on until after she heals, but they do check it once before they sew her back up and her brain responded to the sound when they checked it. They actually said "Every cell responded beautifully" In other words, the surgery was a success! Praise the Lord! We can't wait to see our baby girl.
9:22 pm- It's been an emotional roller coaster that I'm sure will continue for a while.

AND this is what happened on Day 2...
J, baby E, and I stayed over night with SJ. Z was at home with both of his grandparents. It was a rough night including some vomiting, a nose bleed, lots of crying along with SJ signing "hurt", and trying to rip off all of her hospital bracelets, monitors, IVs etc. The hospital staff wrapped up her Brave doll so she has a matching turban. We left the hospital at 10:00 am.

The hardest part has been keeping her from ripping off her head bandage. It really bothers her, but she will become distracted for long periods and is almost used to it now. My best friend sent a package with all kinds of goodies for the whole family and it's really come in handy. Things like this puzzle are what help keep that girl's hands busy and away from her head wrap!

Day 3 (today)- SJ seems to be improving every minute. My strategy is spoil her to pieces. She cannot run around, climb, jump, get wet, or pull at her bandage, other than that anything goes. It seems like a fair enough deal to me.

Tomorrow we get to take off the bandage, but she still has to take it easy for another week. Then in 2 weeks she has a follow up with the surgeon, and three weeks until the implant gets turned on! Oh yeah, and I guess Thanksgiving is somewhere in there. Oy!
So glad things went well. I know the feeling trying to keep a very active 2 year old down. Had the same problem with Allison after her surgery.
The weeks will fly by and before you know it, it will be activation day. What a wonderful day that will be and then the real work begins. It will be so worth it.
I am such so thankful to God that our kids live in this modern world that can give them the gift of sound.
Please let me know if I can help you in anyway. It was nice to have someone who has been there, done that when we started on this wonderful CI journey with Allison.
I'm so sorry that y'all had a rough 1st night. It brought tears to my eyes, as I'm sure so many things did yours. Though we haven't faced anything like this, I know how it feels to have your little one in pain & know that there's nothing you can do except for wait it out. I'm so glad that she has improved so much already! Praying that all continues to go well!
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