We celebrated Z's 4th birthday party with Bob, Larry, and the whole Veggie Tales gang. It was vegtastic, vegerific, veg...um, well you get the idea. Here are the top ten ways I had a BIG theme party with a little budget.
1. The invitations
I found some packages of unopened party invitations at the thrift store for a buck!

I just glued the photoshopped image that I made of Z with the veggie clan, and Ta-Da...

super frugal customized invite!
2. Book and Activity Zone

For this part of the festivities I just took a little piece of the indoors outside for kids to read veggie tales books, or do veggie puzzles. We had a variety of ages at this party so it worked out well.
3. Bathroom Signs

We had dozens of guests, many of which had never been over before. The party was outside, so these signs came in handy for anyone that wandered in for a little 'potty time'.
4. Party Favors
I found veggie tales silly bands at family christian stores online for 90% off!

But would you believe they wanted to charge shipping for each one making my total over $75.00?! That's when I called up my family to check out all the christian stores near and far to find 20 of these 50 cent veggie bands and we did it!
5. Pinata
This was way more difficult then I expected it to be, but here is the end result of my home made bob tomato pinata.

It was full of candy and veggie tales fruit snacks.

The back of the fruit snack have games so I cut them out for the activity table. The kids loved the pinata and I plan on doing a how to post on that tomorrow.
6. Cake

I was thrilled when I found that Mary, at Giving Up on Perfect, was doing a Veggie Tales party. Her Bob and Larry cake idea was amazing. She shares how she created them on her blog. The cakes really added to the decorations.
7. Party Food
Along with the cake we knew we would need to supplement with snacks and other desserts for the amount of people that would be attending. To stick with the theme my mom made veggie squares and I decorated her famous fruit pizza with the number 4.

It was all gone in no time!
8. Photo Album

I am a sucker for photographs so I had a picture of Z in a Veggie Tales frame along with a Veggie Tales photo album that I have had since I was 13!

I used it to display my favorite moments of the birthday boy from the past 4 years. I was almost in tears working on this project.
9. Birthday Outfit

I am clearance girl in case you didn't know. So when I had to choose between an oversized $17.00 Larry shirt or clearance bin hat and t shirt for $4 each, I went with the discount items. My mom said the 4th of July garb was fitting for the weekend of 9/11. Works for me.
10. Movies
Veggie Tales have exploded over the past 18 years, but it all goes back to the movies. We had our party at night so that we could project veggie tales movies against the garage. We used a white sheet as our screen and I let the guys do all the technical work with the computer, projector, and speakers. The weather was PERFECT for this Friday night outdoor cinema.

The party was full special memories, and silly fun, but I loved the fact that the message that was there throughout the night, thanks to the theme, was that "God made you special, and He loves you very much."

This post is linked up with Oh Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday. I also want to add a special thank you to my parents (Z's Me'me' & Pe'pe'). Without them this party would not have been possible. Thanks for the time, energy, and creativity that you contributed to this unforgettable occasion!
What a great party!
I'm impressed!
That came out really cute!!!!
Fun! I love invitations!
I love it! My daughter wants a VT party next month for her 3rd b-day, and you have given me a world of ideas!! Thanks!
I love all your ideas! I pinned your fruit pizza.
oh sweet!! that would have been a huge hit with my kiddos too! great idea with the bathroom signs, seriously!
I saw the invites in person and I didn't know that was how you did it. They were great.
What an adorable party! I wish my girls would have gotten into VT like that. For whatever reason, it never clicked with them. I love more than them :)
Great job!! & super cute! :)
I love the pinata! When I first scrolled through I assumed you bought it - it looks great!!
Love EVERY BIT of it! Perfect!
Where did you get the box of snack?
So great ideas I found here. I'm planning my boy birthday party and it's so hard to find decorations with veggie tales.
I got the snacks at H.E.B. which is in Texas, but you can find them at Kroger. Sorry I realize this comment was posted a month ago :(
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