You have to watch everything you say around here because there is a little boy that hears it all even when you don't think he listening.

I'll be giving J a recap of the day and suddenly we'll hear a voice come from the other room "yes I did make a mess and mommy was not happy."
This morning during a conversation with J, a word catches Z's ear and he chimes in "what's google"? I said "It's a search engine" and inevitably I hear "what does search engine mean?" I know he knows what the internet is so I tell him "it is the little box on the computer screen that you type words into so that you can find the information, video, or website that you are looking for. That's why it is called search, because you are searching, and engine because it is like a machine that needs power to run." After dissecting the words he is satisfied with that answer and he goes back to his toys.
We have 3 days until his 4th birthday and I can tell because he is starting to enter the question stage and I love it! Learning that the cow goes moo is adorable and I love that too, but asking questions and learning about the farmer's market (which is where we went on Saturday) is a little more exciting. When Z was playing with Mr. Potato head the other day he mimicked a scene from Toy Story where he scrambles up all the facial pieces on the potato and says "look I'm a Picasso". This opened the door for me to teach him about the real Picasso and my heart started dancing. I can't believe he is getting to the age where we can have a discussion about Picasso, albeit an elementary one. That's good though, because I enjoy art, but I am not an expert by any means.
Speaking of not being an expert, have you seen all the children shows that teach spanish? I live in Texas and so I am around the Latino community quite a bit, but my spanish is un poquito, so the other day when Z started singing some spanglish song from Go Diego Go, I thought oh snap! I know amigo, ayudame, and vamos, but what the heck is res-ahh-tay? It turned out he was singing "al rescate amigos" which as the song says means "to the rescue my friends".
While I really do look forward to this next developmental stage, he is learning and changing so rapidly that I do get a little nervous that he will pass me up and I won't be able to answer his questions. I guess I can always just google it, which is what I did in the case of rescate. After all, that is what a search engine is for.
back in my day we had to use the dictionary and encyclopedia. Google is much faster and more broad. A great resource for mom's these days. I can't wait to see him soon.
As I once said in my blog "Family Ringmaster", Thanks to Google, Moms really can know everything!
Yep, Google has certainly come in handy a time or two (thousand)! Elly had to describe the Commutative Property of Multiplication when she was in 2nd or 3rd grade, and I was like...[crickets]...??? Thank God for Google!!
See, you other moms know exactly what I am talking about! Amy that sound like a crazy assignment for that age, but I am learning everyday that this is a different generation, obviously!
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