I hope you are prepared to receive some Messy Mom randomness, because I am ready to deliver.
Speaking of being ready to deliver. I keep on getting this ad for a birth center in the corner of my Facebook and I always think that it's a picture of me and it takes me by surprise.

Sorry it's small. That's the size it is in my sidebar on Facebook.

This is one of my pictures from E's birth.
It is not me and it's DEFINITELY not my husband, but aren't the similarities funny?
Moving on. I just finished a book called Love Does. It's light hearted, funny, and inspiring. Two thumbs up.
Last week was one Doctor's appointment after the other including a trip to the opthamologist. First Z hopped in the chair and leaned his head forward to look through the "binoculars" then it was SJ's turn and Z said "she can't do it because she is only two". The Doctor said "well let's just give her a shot shall we?" and Z replied very matter of fact "No. She doesn't like shots. She will cry" The doctor rephrased the statement and gave SJ a chance in the chair although in the end Z was right, she did not cooperate.
I thought I was going to have to get my eyes checked a few months ago when I was seeing all kinds of light patterns in the night. I was seriously concerned that it might be a brain tumor or something because it was like I was hallucinating. I would wake up in the night and see light coming from the bed even though there were no lights on. I asked J about it and his theory was a car driving by and its headlights shining through the window. That seemed unlikely, but then one night we were in bed and J said "man this blanket is full of electricity!" When I asked him what he meant he described the visible sparks coming from blanket. OHHH! That's what that is! I have never experience static at night I guess. Have you ever seen it? It looks CRAZY, but at least now after J's explanation and a brief google search I know that I am not!
This weekend we moved. We are now an hour closer to the Cincinnati area. Even though we still have a lot of loose ends to tie up in Louisville we brought our beds and most of our personal belongings to my brother's house.

The kids were excited to get the place set up. After each project they accomplished they would high five.
The similarities are quite funny! In fact, when I first saw the picture & hadn't read anything yet, I was like, "That's not J!" :D Z is such a good big brother to tell the dr that SJ doesn't like shots! I've only experienced static electricity like that one time, and it freaked me out! I'm glad your getting settled in at your brother's house. I never had to get up quite that early with littles. My only advice would be to set out clothes, pack bags, & make lunches the night before. I hope it goes well!
That picture definitely looks a lot like you. I agree it helps in the morning to have breakfast stuff all set out, clothes picked out, lunch and backpack ready, etc. Just being prepared so you're not scrambling for things makes a big difference.
On another note, I was checking out your blog and your post on deciding to do cochlear implants is really interesting! I'm a speech-language therapist so I'm familiar with Deaf culture and some of those conflicts you've encountered. It seems like you've made a good decision for your daughter and for what fits your family :)
About to subscribe to your blog!
I get up 30 minutes before the kids so I can get a shower and be dressed when I get them up at 7 a.m. Next year Caleb will be doing pre-K 5 days a week ... I am not looking forward to driving every day :(. Can't wait to hear how SJ does at school!
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