I don't have any photos of the teeth, but I did manage to do his 3 month photo shoot and even though he wasn't charming my camera to pieces I still managed to get this adorable shot of him as his usual laid back self.

His latest milestone is the whole hand fascination stage. He just loves to lock his fingers together, open and close his fists, and zero in on his hands with the intensity of a antique appraiser.

And no, the camera does not add pounds, he really is that chunky. He was 16 pounds last time he was weighed and that was a few weeks ago so who knows how much he is now. He has just about outgrown all of his 3-6 month clothes. In fact here is a picture of me on my 30th birthday with a onesie I got for him in NYC.
It's amazing how much changed in the 6 months between these two photos. Just think what he'll be like in another 6 months! No actually, let's not think about that. It will be here way too soon.
Fun! My babes were all chunky! How fun on the teeth, losing and gaining!
How neat that both boys have the same two teeth growing in! The pictures are absolutely adorable! :)
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