In the past 6 months I have learned a lot about being a mother to preschoolers.

First of all, I have learned it is kind of a pain to have back up clothes available. Every preschool wants you to have a change of clothes for your kiddo in case they wet their pants, throw up, or spill milk all over themselves (I know about two out three of these from experience). It's not really that big of a deal, but for someone as thrifty and disinterested in laundry as I am it's a little painful knowing that a whole set of "seasonably appropriate" clothing are inaccessibly stored away in a cubby at school.

The results were... uh... less than ideal.

There were no cupcakes at his school that day, but I think I learned my lesson.
The biggest, most unexpected thing that I've learned from these preschool days is dealing with the impact my children's teachers (or therapists) have had not only on Z and SJ, but on me. It's been an emotional time of goodbyes for our family. Both schools sent my kids off with special treats, gifts, and most importantly words of empowerment encouraging them as they walked out the doors of the school and onward into their bright futures.

I feel blessed beyond words to have had the opportunity to meet some of these wonderful, beautiful ladies that worked with both of my children. To steal words from the letter I wrote to SJ's therapist they have been and will always be such an important part of our lives even though our time together may have been brief.
Moving in the middle of the school year like this has been really difficult for me, but God placed the right teachers in our path once I know he can do it again. And while I am on the subject I would like to extend this thank you to all the teachers out there that commit their time, energy, and love to our children. You probably don't even know what a difference you make in the world. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I'm sitting here too early in the morning. In full make up. Crying :(
Teachers really are so valuable! I'm glad you've had a good experience with them so far! & yes, I've heard of Pinstrosity, and I think it's hilarious! RYC, I can't believe the entry fees are so steep for benefit runs! Yikes!
It's funny, I never quite understood how parents would get so attached to me until I had my own kids and became attached to their teachers. Somehow, finding someone you trust your children with and look up to as part of your support system as a parent becomes very emotional. And of course as an SLP it always makes me happy to hear stories like yours, where you have liked the professionals working with your kids! Hopefully you will find equally good people where you've moved!
On a lighter note, I can well imagine what would happen if I attempted half the things I saw on Pinterest. Ha!
Okay so the cupcake thing is totally me!! How sweet that your teachers made such an impact on your kids and on you! Can't wait to see who God pairs you up with now!!
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